
Saturday, 28 February 2015

We have been working on a piece of digital, dyed artwork that informs others about ourselves. 
These are our creations.

Dr Seuss's Birthday

Remember on Monday it is Dr Seuss's birthday, we have a whole school parade at 10 o'clock, so dress up in your wacky costumes to celebrate.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Lyrics - Cat in the Hat

THE CAT IN THE HAT SONG - Written by Isla Noakes

This is a story ‘bout the Cat in the Hat
Mum had gone out, not sure when she would be back?
Next thing they knew there was a knock at the door.
What should they do? They weren’t very sure?  Aaaaaahh

The places you’ll go, when you live on this Earth.
You have brains in your head, steer direction you’ll swerve.
Some decisions you make, may be wrong, may be right
We learn from them all, trust your gut some times.

Would you open the door for him?
Will you trust in your own within?
Could you, would you? Let him in? 
Why not? Just this once?  (spoken) 

You did it again, you let that naughty cat in
He wrecked your Mum’s house, caused
destruction and din.
Your fish said – no no, please stop all this now!
We all make mistakes, what’s the path you’ll take now??????

Take OWNERSHIP for the mess that you caused.
RESPECT for my Mum, when she walks through the door.
HONESTY, TRUTH will save all my wrongs ------
COMPASSION for all, I will even the score--------

Would you open the door  for him?
Will you trust in your own within?
Could you, would you?     let him in? 
Not this time!


Week 5 - Take 1

Anna and Manav ... great persistence. If you don't succeed the first time, try and try again.

Week 5 Update

Here is Week 5's video, letting you know all about what is happening in Room 23 next week. Thanks Anna and Manav.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Sorry, I have put you wrong with the maths basic facts website for homework, it was meant to be prototec. I have put the link to the correct website below.

Goal Setting

This week we have been setting our learning goals for the first six months of the year. The children has been deciding the specific areas within each subject that they would like to work on. These are the goals that the children will discuss with you (the parents) at our Conferences next Wednesday and Thursday. So far I have 25 children booked in, which is fantastic. If you need help booking an appointment, please let me know or you can ring the office. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next week.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Week 3 Video Notices

Here is our weekly notices for Week 3, thanks to Joseph and Daniel (and Robert for the filming). Sorry I was unable to produce a QR Code this week, I couldn't get the video uploaded into Dropbox.

School Councillors

Room 23 have elected their student councillors for the year, they are Jamin and Luka. Congratulation! 
Well done to all of the other students who gave this a go and stepped outside their comfort zones, you should be very proud of yourselves.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Orewa Beach Trip

We have just had the best day at the beach today. The weather was perfect and the waves just the right height. Everyone had an unbelievable day. Thank you to all the parents who came and enjoyed the day with us and helped keep an eye on everyone. Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday.

Ben photo bombing.

And again!

Can you spot Manav?