
Friday, 7 March 2014

Week 6

Doesn't the time fly when you're having fun. I can't believe we are heading into Week 6 already.
We have a busy week ahead, with some PAT Testing.
Get plenty of sleep and come to school ready to try your best, remember that is all I wish for.
Remember to bring your swimming togs to school on Tuesday and Friday. We probably only have a couple of weeks of good weather left so lets make the most of it.


  1. Hi Room 15 - I've enjoyed reading your Blog - there are lots of cool things happening in your class. I like the new room layout and I know Mrs Hall loves the big new screen you have.
    Good luck with Chopper Challenge and PATs.
    From Mr M

  2. Fantastic start to the year! Love the new emphasis on IT and the AppleTV setup within the classroom- isn't it ironic that our kids are probably more adept at using it than we are! Hunter has been loving the ICT time and after being taught to use i-Movie, has come home and quietly been making and narrating his own movies on the i-Pad himself- it's so easy Dad! Skills being taught, learnt and applied- awesome!
