In Room 15 we have started to implement a new reading programme - Daily 5. We are in the early stages and it will take time to be up and running completely, the result will be that we all become independent readers. We have started Daily 5 with "Read to Self". We are working on sitting by ourselves, staying in one spot, reading quietly, getting started straight away and reading the whole time. We are recording the improvement in our "reading stamina" on a graph and even in two days we have improved.
We have also spent a lot of time talking about "good fit books". The children can get two library books out each week and I have suggested that they keep one book in their tote trays to read during "Read to Self". The children can take the other book home to read. For most children in the class, they should be reading chapter books, however the book needs to be at an appropriate level for them. They are also spending more time choosing a book that they would be interested in and are really wanting to read.
This is the first step to becoming better readers.
Oliver and Cody have found a good spot to read to self. |
Hunter, Shazia and Jade are working on building their reading stamina. |
Jaykuz is working on reading the whole time. |
Angelah, Paige and Eloise have found some good fit books to read. |
Well done Room15! Great to hear you are improving with your stamina so quickly! You are going from strength to strength!