Today we presented our Mini Literacy Projects to each other. I am astounded by the creative ways everyone has used to show case their learning. We have been reading to gain more information on our topic, writing what we have found and improving our oral language by sharing our information with others.
Olivia and Brooke talking about their dragon. |
Armaan with his remarkable paper mache dragon. Joseph and Robert sharing with Minecraft Castle. |
Nadija and Jessica's Juptier project. |
Anna and Navneet's "snow making" experiment. |
Kayla's Pluto project. |
Kaitlyn and Marissa's Saturn project. |
Armaan's Dragon. |
Evelyn and Robert sharing their Minecraft Castles. |
Marissa and Kaitlyn sharing their information with their group. |
Sydney and Nadia's Water Cycle Experiment. |
Regan sharing his oil and water experiment. |
Wow! Wow! We were more than impressed with your Mini Literacy Projects Room 23. Excellent work. Thankyou for being such a patient and respectful audience when Room 16 shared their plays.....They really enjoyed writing their scripts and performing them for you:) We are so lucky to be your Buddy class..